Chimney Challenge
What comes on your mind, when you're asked about the winter? Christmas and holidays are the classic. You will definitely remember a great opportunity to play at snowballs! The kids, as well as adults, like this game very much! Unfortunately, winter is changed by the spring sooner or later. The winter will take all the snow away. We're waiting for the next winter, aren't we? Now it's not necessary! Bentley Jennison presents the game the Сhimney Сhallenge! The purpose is to hit the right character as soon as he shows up from the one of the chimneys. Their jump speed increases from the one level to another. You have to aim the targets quickly in a purpose to achieve the bigger score! The required amount of the score differs between the levels. The game has one more limiting factor. It's forbidden to shoot the Santa! You will be out after hitting him three times in a row. This game directs to increase your response time! If you're tired and would like to have a good time, then starts to play the Сhimney Сhallenge online right now! It's easy to find in the Holiday Games section, in subsection of the Christmas Games! Good luck!